On September 23rd, Bruce Springsteen celebrates his 70th birthday, or as I like to call it Brucemas! The celebration of Bruce's birth.

I am sure you're wondering how I celebrate Brucemas. Well, the night before Brucemas we decorate the Brucemas tree with beautiful decorations like this Thunder Road lyrics ornament.
After a long night's sleep filled with visions of Bruce Springsteen dancing in our heads, the kids and I wake up early to open Brucemas presents. Then we spend the afternoon baking and decorating New Jersey cookies, they're our favorite treat of the year. While the cookies cool, we go around the neighborhood caroling songs from "The River." We're just like most families really.
If you're wondering how to celebrate Brucemas this year, we have a few tips. All you need to do is print this circle onto stiff paper, cut it out, then spin. Merry Brucemas!
