Yes, there are more than a few Springsteen podcasts out there -- I even did one for a while -- but if there's one more relentlessly good-spirited than Set Lusting Bruce, I haven't heard it. That's of course owing to its host, Jesse Jackson, who's made it his goal to celebrate both Bruce Springsteen's work, and the way it's made our lives just a little more livable, despite whatever hardships we might face.
But speaking of hardships, Jesse's facing one of his own now, as he explains on a new GoFundMe page. Jesse writes:
In 2017, I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. After surgery and two types of chemo, I have been cancer-free for the past 4 years. However, after a bad case of anemia and having to go to the hospital for a blood transfusion, I've been diagnosed with a Gastrointestinal stromal tumor that needs to be removed. That's right, cancer again!
If you know Jesse -- and if you've listened to Set Lusting Bruce you no doubt feel like you do, whether you've met him or not -- you know that few people are more blessed with the power of positive thinking to get through a challenge like this than he. But additional support from the Bruce community can only help, whether it's psychological, spiritual or, yes, financial, since Jesse will be out of work for 4-6 weeks after his surgery on May 24.
So make sure to visit his GoFundMe and do what you can, and/or (if merch is more your thing), visit his Set Lusting Bruce store and purchase some podcast paraphernalia to send some $$ into Jesse's coffers. (I'm a particular fan of the show's 5th anniversary shirt, with its unmistakable silhouette.)
I know appearing on Set Lusting Bruce to represent Blogness on the Edge of Town has always been a pleasure, and I look forward to heading back there many times in the future once Jesse is back on his feet. In the meantime, do what you can to help, reach out to Jesse on Twitter at @SetLustingBruce -- and also, listen in if you haven't yet!